Saturday, January 3, 2015


Life brings many challenges, in many forms, doesn't it? And the Lord is so good at surprising us with little lessons that we need to learn right smack dab in the middle of those challenges. You wold think that after all these years I would "get it" but unfortunately I tend to take the hard way through each and every time - and then wonder why I keep repeating each challenge.

Last month I finally figured out "what I want to be when I grow up." At least that's what I think. In taking the culmination of my life experiences and wrapping them up in a pretty package of what I am passionate about, I have decided to become a Professional Organizer. But as in any venture, I am forced to look at my own space and work on it before venturing out in the the great big world. Unfortunately I am running into more ditches than I am jumping hurdles. And the only explanation I have is that there is something I am supposed to learn while wallowing around in those ditches.

My life has experienced some of the roughest times in the last three and a half years. I have seen heart wrenching loss and joyous gain. Depression and elation. Tears of laughter and tears of pain. It has been a veritable roller coaster ride. Yet I need to come to terms with the fact that I chose this life and I must learn to hang on through each rise and fall. I have been tempted to get off several times, but I am consistently reminded that there is a lesson I am to learn. Why, oh why, can I not learn so that the ride will smooth itself out?

Here is the lesson I must learn now (Lord help me!). I need to be content in my own surroundings, with those who do not "see" organization in the same way as I do. WOW!  Talk about a compromise I am not sure how to make! I need to be able to perform a job, begin a career, in an area in which I cannot control myself. And not being in control of something is NOT my forte! But I am afraid that if I cannot do this one small thing, my revelation of becoming an organizer will plummet and I will wallow, once more, in a pile of goop and wonder why I cannot learn lessons I am meant to learn.

So, as I begin this new chapter in my life, I would ask for your prayers and support (by way of encouragement and referrals) to slowly begin to appreciate and be content in my surroundings, loving my new family unconditionally, as I relinquish the strong hold I have had on my life that I was never intended to have. I know that the Lord is faithful to complete the work He started in me and I look forward to this new dream He has allowed me to pursue.