Monday, June 30, 2014

Breaking out of Your comfort Zone

Crossed the line, I have. I have begun the journey that I did't realize I needed to take. The one that wove me me in and out of several books at once without any tying together of thoughts other than "What book am I reading again?"  I am fairly proud of myself, though, for actually picking one and finishing it.  It is one reason I wanted to share with you this morning. But another reason is that I want you to rejoice with me that stepping out of my 'comfort zone' didn't really kill me. It just delayed the comfort.

So today I wanted to share a little of what I leaned after crossing that "comfort zone" line.

Lesson #1 - Sometimes you cannot rely on another's recommendations. Case in point:

I started reading it and was completely lost withing the first few chapters.  I tried, I honestly did. But I just couldn't follow along. So, I did what any non-reading person might do - I watched the "movie." Well I started to anyway. What in the world was HBO thinking!?!?! OK, so I got the gist of the story line but all the gratuitous nudity, sex, and violence - completely uncalled for! Anyway, I decided that since I could now safely say I can follow the story line I will continue to read the book but it will always come second, or even third, in my "to-read' virtual pile. I will eventually finish it but I am fairly certain it will not become a series in which I will read every book.

Lesson #2 - Sometime I bite off way more than I can comfortably chew.

What a great story line. I have never read anything that has has to do with time travel. The author is wonderful at explaining everything. I have no doubt that he is very knowledgeable. After all, he did write the book about writing the book. ("Writing Fiction for Dummies") I am very interested in the book and am enjoying the content. But when I think I am about halfway done, I look down and see I have 800 pages to go...well, let's just say I am feeling a little defeated. Hopefully I will be able to finish the book this year and actually give you a small synopsis.

Lesson #3 - Sometimes I need a break from all the fiction and need to focus on...well...writing...fiction. Hmmm. That's an odd thought. Anyway, my Muse and Sweetheart (fortunately one in the same) saw my stagnant position in writing and lent me a copy of a wonderful book.

(Not only is he encouraging when he is around me but he is also when I am alone - how can that be?) Well, he saw that I was at a standstill in writing my characters and that I needed a little 'push' and this book was the ticket I needed to continue. I am only half-way through it and I have become more knowledgeable about my craft and I look forward to one day reading what YOU have to say about my stories. If any of you have any interest in writing, I HIGHLY recommend this book.

And my last lesson...

Lesson #4 - Sometimes crossing the line of comfort is bittersweet.

I thought I was buying a fan fiction book about "Pride and Prejudice", and I guess I could find a few links to that classic, but all I read was an author's attempt to educate the world on British society.

The dialogue and descriptions were totally British and that was the "sweet" part of the book.  I gained some insight to their "phrase-ology" and lifestyles. But the bitter came in with all of the foul language. Why does profanity even sound classy when written by an English person? I broke out of the comfort zone by reading this style, and I actually finished it because I enjoyed the story line.  A spoiled rich girl, who was handed everything, including her Prada handbags, on a silver platter, goes broke and has to learn how the average "Joe" makes a living. Throw in the mix a handsome rescuer who teaches her about the value of money, a best friend who is pregnant and whose husband is a  blackmailer and hits on every woman he sees who can fatten his wallet, an ex-boyfriend who is a rock star and secretly a lord's son, and a grandfather who is about to see his company go under, and you have the makings of "Prada and Prejudice."

I didn't learn any valuable lessons, or find any reason to recommend this book. But I did want to say I actually finished SOMETHING! And since this was the shortest, it became, by default, the one I chose.

Sadly, in the last month I have probably acquired at least at least 40 more free books from Bookbub and I have no idea which I will read next, if any of them, since I have at least that many on my bookshelves that have gone unread so far. I am really wondering where that comfort zone line is and if I like it there or if I need to come back to what I find familiar.

I still have several books - count them, nine - books that lay started and not finished on my shelf. Maybe I could finish them? Well, I could, but then again, I have my Muse giving me even more books to read that are suppposed to "expand my mind". I appreciate that, honestly. But sometimes a girl needs her comfort. So, please hand me my blanket, a cup of coffee and a sweet story about romance, or maybe a murder, or maybe a psychological thriller, or maybe a fantasy or maybe...Well, maybe I AM ready for whatever genre is put in my hand. Just give me time and caffeine to keep me awake for the thousand pages it takes to tell the story!

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