Everyone knows that we live in a world of instant gratification. The success of certain television shows is one example. Scenes from Downton Abbey are short and move quickly. People are fascinated with trying to "speed things up." Think of all of the technology in the world today that strives to make things "easier." (AKA quicker) From the minute we wake up in the morning, grabbing a "quick" shower" to a quick cup of coffee. Breakfast in the microwave, if at all. Dishwasher to quickly do the dishes. Quick commute to work. Quick lunch so we can do something for ourselves during that hour (if we indeed get an hour). And the particular activity, whether reading, chatting with co-workers, taking a walk or playing a game, must also be done quickly in order to return to work. Then home to quickly get dinner and quickly do the chores to get to bed and start the whole routine over again.
This is the dilemma in which I now find myself and I am intrigued at the fact that it took me so long to discover this about myself. I am caught up in that same notion of instant gratification. And I believe that this fact alone has caused me to postpone doing so many of the things that I had, in the past, so enjoyed doing.
Many of you knew me when I would spend hours making cards and putting together photo albums. I still have all of the supplies and they sit, gathering dust, somewhere in my home. Why? I so enjoy being creative and making something from various pieces of paper and such. So why have I not continued? I know. Because it takes too long to get everything out, craft, and them put it all away again.
I love to write. And some have even indicated that I am fairly proficient at it. But I want instant gratification, and since writing takes SO LONG, I just continue to procrastinate until I either move on to another idea for a story which I then start but never finish, or I lose patience with it altogether. Then I think, "Short story! Forget the novel - it takes too long." But that gets pushed aside for yet another idea for something-or-other. It just isn't quick enough.
I am finding all this new techie stuff, things to make my writing easier. Ways to get motivated to craft. But the technology designed to get me excited about doing things, just turns into another excuse to find another quick solution.
This might seem like mere ramblings to some of you, and for that I apologize. I am just tired of the rat race and look forward to slowing down. Honestly. I do WANT to complete some projects. I want to sit in front of the television and crochet mindlessly for hours. I want to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to finish a few pages in the photo album I started of my trip to Europe two years ago. I want to open up the computer and sit, sipping coffee, and allowing the words of my story to flower into a beautiful garden.
This shouldn't be difficult for me! I am a planner! I make lists! I formulate plans! Why can't I simply make this stuff happen? Why can't I just relax and take the time I need to complete something? Why can't I get past the whole idea of instant gratification? I mean after all, some of my fondest memories have come from those times where I did just that.
Maybe I will just make a list of all the things I need to stop doing. Maybe I will make a plan of attack. Maybe I will just stay home from work today and think about the state of my affairs. Nah! I need to be able to eat and afford all of the stuff that makes my life "quicker." Fun will just have to wait.
Until my next ramblings,
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