Monday, May 12, 2014

Music and memories are so very closely linked, aren't they? I don't know much about the brain but there must be some kind of phenomenon that happens in a part of the brain when we hear certain songs that trigger certain memories.  Don't ruin the moment for me by getting analytical and explaining this to me. I just know it happens.

I think that is why there is a category at awards ceremonies that honor the one who had the best musical score for a movie. The creators of the film want to conjure up a certain memory every time we hear a certain song being played thereafter.  Let me give some examples. You may not have ever seen the movie, but every time you hear "Eye of the Tiger" you can picture Sylvester Stalone punching his way up the stairs in Philadelphia. When you hear "My Heart Will Go On," by Celine Dion, we think of that scene in Titanic where the two lovers are in the ocean, freezing, and one slips away to death.  I am sure you can think of more, given time.

You may even remember where you were when you heard those songs for the first time. But one thing remains true. If you want to get a memory back you listen to a song which you know takes you back to that time.  It could be a good or bad memory, but songs trigger those memories, don't they?  I wonder if that is why these stations that play 'decades' of songs succeed in what they do?  I mean, how can you fail if you play songs spanning 60 years?  You are bound to hit a memory with someone with every song played.

I think about couples who are planning on getting married. They want to find "their song." A song that describes them, but will also stir up good memories when played in the future. Some people, when thinking about their funeral, discuss what songs they want played at their funeral.  Perhaps they want to be remembered every time others hear that song in the future.  And there are certain artists who have 'angry' songs that some like to listen to when they break up with their significant other.

This sounds like a novel idea, doesn't it? But at the same time it just plaine STINKS! I will tell you why. Because there are some songs that are just beautiful with no attached memories. When I hear certain songs played now, I cringe when at first  I melted. I am sure you can guess why. It's because at one time the song represented a beautiful memory, but when that memory is tainted, the song inevitably becomes tainted by default.  It stinks, I tell ya!  I can no longer listen to some of my favorite artists without tearing up because they bring back bad memories now.  (Basically anything from the 80's)

But what of those times when no memories are being formed?  I have noticed that is there is no music.  Maybe I am more cautious in assigning songs to memories now, knowing I would rather cherish the song than the memory - or lack thereof. Hmm that's an intersting thought.  I think I will have to ponder that a little further.

Thinking of the croonings of Michael Buble,


P.S.  Maybe you would like to share a song and a memory it brings to mind?

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