Monday, May 5, 2014

Today starts my "newer than new" blogging venture.  I will attempt to write every day for the month of May, even if it is just a small tidbit.  I will focus each day on a certain subject until I can figure out how to customize the page to have certain entries for certain don't want to hear all of that stuff, I am sure. 
Not that you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what subects I will be addressing, but I just want to do this for my sake - so I can stay on task. 
Monday: Musings and Music
Tuesday: Techniques and crafts
Wednesday: Weekend Warrior projects
Thursday: Theater - live and screen, big and small
Friday: Foods and fashion
Saturday: Scibbles, script, and shorthand
Sunday: Relaxing with a book (the only day that doesn't have a catchy phrase)
This way you can tune in to either every day or the days that you want to know what's going on in my life "As I Know/See It".

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There is a song that has quickly got my attention, for the words. The beat is just enough to get me swaying. Take a quick listen, if you like:

A few phrases catch me and, if I am in a sensitive mood, which is most often, I may even shed a tear.

"Beginning of a lifelong love letter"
"But then you found me and everything changed, and I believe in something again"
"I get to be the other half of you"

Come on!  Don't those add up to a fairy tale to you? It sure does to me. So, what do you think? Sappy? Do you like the song? Style? Appropriate wedding song? (Not that I am hinting at anything)

I do know this....Love is a choice. And when I eventually say "I choose you" it will be forever and not until I find another choice!

Until tomorrow when I will be talking about "technique and crafts",


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