Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesdays are difficult for me.  They have become, because of my work schedule, my shortest day of the week. Or so it seems. So when I get ready to write about anything I seem to be rushed for time. And since the subject I chose to write about is difficult for me, it makes it doubly difficult.

I live in a mobile home, as some of you may know, and therefore the space I have is rather limited. Nevertheless I am attempting a mini garden. I have a small deck and am trying to plant some pretties as well as edibles without making my deck feel cramped with the furniture.

I already have a butterfly patio tree which I have planted in a wonderful pot.  I was hoping to add some greenery and annuals to the base. Haven't done that yet. I have three window boxes, which still are devoid of the herbs I had planned to place in them. 

So where do I go for help? Pinterest of course. And one of the first things I found was an idea that I think I am going to HAVE TO DO!

I have already gotten an approval from my landlord to install a raised garden bed, and this seems to be perfect. I am already formulating ideas of what I am going to plant in this "bed." I am getting a little excited about it as well.  My mom has a wonderful green thumb, and I am SURE that she will have no problems advising me as what to plant.  And of course as a dutiful daughter I will listen - NOT.

So my only questions now are when will I find the time and how will I afford this?
Yesterday I picked up a good "start" with tomatoes, herbs and hot peppers - those are for Gerald. But I walked in the door minutes before the heavens opened up so it will be quite some time before I can get them planted.

Is this too much to ask for? 

I just hope that this year will be different than every other year before.  I have always had good intentions but failed miserably.  Should I just resign myself to the fact that I am not a gardener? Maybe I will next year.

Wishing my thumb were greener,


P.S. Maybe I will take some pictures of my mother's wonderful gardens and landscaping for next week's post so you can understand the example I have to live up to,

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